Wednesday, February 5, 2014

(Date 5)(Jan 26-Feb 1)(American Hustle)

Hello dear friend,

Zip lining is a hard act to follow; unless you follow zip lining with doing nothing. In that case, going from nothing to sitting in the dark theater by yourself is a step up. I went to see American Hustle on Saturday and it was kind of a fluke that I ended up seeing that movie. It was suggested I see Ride Along, but this was a middle of the day date so I was crunched for time (not a great way to start a date, I know.) When I walked up to the ticket counter and saw that American Hustle was the only thing I could see that would allow me to do what else I needed to do that day I just gave the ticket person a blank stare.

"What in the hellephant is American Hustle about?" I asked her.

She gave me an equally impressive blank stare because (according to her) she had no idea.

Sigh...this date is getting better and better. I walk over to look at the movie poster:

Bradley Cooper. That's all you had to say. "One ticket for American Hustle, please."

As I walked into the empty theater, full of a combined smell of old and fresh "eau de toilette popped buttered corn" a huge smile grew on my face. I could sit anywhere I wanted!!!

Now I realize that seems like a very silly thing to get happy about but you have to understand that for the last 14 years I have been a movie-going mom. The first few years of both of my daughters lives I had to sit at the bottom  of the theater because, well...when they gotta go, they gotta go!  As they got older, we slowly moved up but then they started wanting to do weird stuff. My oldest likes sitting RIGHT in the middle. When I say middle I mean "row-25-of-50-seat-5-of-10" middle. My youngest (who has inherited her mothers general love of people <- *sarcasm*) likes to sit in one of the seats off to the far left or right of the theater so that the people surrounding her are limited to her sister and I.

Oh but Saturday? Saturday I could sit where I wanted to sit, and I wanted to sit at the VERY top. I will skip the boring trailers and I have decided I will not spoil the movie, but I have to admit that I enjoyed myself. I am glad I made the promise to my girl friend that I would limit my movie 'me' dates to 12 this year because I could easily go to the movies, by myself, every weekend.

I am happy to report that at no time did I feel awkward being in the movies by myself. People didn't look at me strange and I didn't have a bunch of random folks who decided to plop down beside me. I enjoyed my movie, my Coke Zero, my popcorn and my high seat. I would encourage anyone that has not already done so, especially a single parent, to try going to the movies by themselves at least once. There is something that just makes you feel so light when you don't have to spend $100 at a theater for a movie you will see bit by bit because you have to keep stepping out for potty patrol.

It also helps if there is a large Bradley Cooper on the screen :-)

Until next time my friend.

Be blessed,