Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from Me!

Merry Christmas Dear Friend!  I pray your holiday was a peaceful & blessed one. I did not go on a me date this week (it's not 2014 yet) but I received, from my beautiful daughters, a dress, some jewelry and their well wishes on my journey.  I know that secretly they are hoping I find someone so I can 'lighten' up a bit.  Little do they know, I intend to do just that.  Not necessarily in the way they are thinking, but nevertheless.

I went for a walk today and found that I really enjoy walking around the city.  Looking into the old buildings and new businesses.  The exercise didn't hurt either. I have already resolved to do way too many things next year-date myself, have more ladies nights, maybe accept a date here or there, finish my book, find my set place-so I am not going to resolve to lose weight as well.  I need to get more active and I need to eat better, I know that and will take it into consideration on my me dates.  In other words, no fried chicken when I am taking myself to lunch.

On another note, I believe I have figured out where my first me date will take place.  There is a hotel near me that has a night club/bar/lounge on the roof.  This afternoon when I was walking I saw they are advertising to the public, which hopefully means I do not have to be a guest in the hotel in order to check them out.  I am not really a night club/bar/lounge person but I figure if I start out in a place that I am not too comfortable, maybe that will start this journey off with the 100% possibility of an upswing.  On the other hand, I could chicken out and have my first date sitting on a stool at Sips n Strokes. We shall see.

Until next time,

Be blessed.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Why are you single?"

I follow an associate on Instagram who posted the following picture:

There are a few things wrong with this picture/train of thought.  First of all, it's not true.  Second, if you are ignoring someone that is interested in you, but you do not know it, how can you make the argument it is not true? Third, why is it your business?

I get asked often enough why am I always answer, if I answer at all, in a joking manner.  The truth of the matter is, I am single because although I want to be in a relationship, I know that I am not ready.  A large part of why I am not ready is because I do not know what I really like. I don't know what I could do (besides sleep) for hours on end that would bring me complete joy.  That is part of the purpose behind 52 me dates in 2014.  I have always been afraid of commitment, and afraid of admitting it.  Part of me growing is admitting that, so here I am dear friend, admitting to you that I am afraid of commitment because I do not know who I am.  And I am afraid that once I realize who I am, the person I am with will not love her anymore.  2014 will be about exploring what drives me, angers me, makes me happy, sad, interested, etc., so that once that special man comes along both of know exactly what he is getting into :-)

Be blessed.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Potential dates

Good day, my friend. I made a promise to another friend that I would limit my movie theatre dates to a maximum of 12 for this little project. Which leaves me with 40 more dates to plan. I am working on the list but I would love any input or suggestions. As I go along this journey I will post links to the different places I end up; not as a plug to the place but as a way to acknowledge the locations that will assist me in spending time with me. So far, this is what I have, in no particular order.

01. Coffee at Starbuck's  01/04/2014
02. Masquerade Ball at Cahaba Grand 01/10/2014
03. Zip lining at Red Mountain Park ( 01/18/14
04. movie
05. cooking class at Sur La Table (
06. painting at sips n strokes (
07. civil rights institute (
08. movie
09. cooking class
10. painting at sips n strokes
11. Birmingham Museum of Art (
12. movie
13. cooking class
14. painting at sips n strokes
15. rock climbing at First Avenue Rocks (
16. movie
17. cooking class
18. painting at sips n strokes
19. alabama theatre (
20. movie
21. cooking class
22. painting at sips n strokes
23. alabama symphony orchestra (
24. movie
25. cooking class
26. painting at sips n strokes
27. Alabama sports hall of fame (
28. movie
29. cooking class
30. painting at sips n strokes
31. Alabama jazz hall of fame (
32. movie
33. cooking class
34. painting at sips n strokes
35. dance class (
36. movie
37. cooking class
38. painting at sips n strokes
39. pottery at Red Dot Gallery (
40. movie
41. cooking class
42. painting at sips n strokes
43. hiking at Ruffner Mountain (
44. movie
45. cooking class
46. painting at sips n strokes
47. ice cream at Serendipity Sweets (
48. movie
49. cooking class
50. painting at sips n strokes
51. Vulcan (
52. movie

Of course I will work hard to find things to replace some of the 'movie' & 'painting' entries. But hey, it's a start. Until then my friend,

Be blessed.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Getting started (motivation)

I hate introductions so I am just going to start off as if we are lifelong friends. Hopefully by the end of this journey, we will be. Prayerfully, by the end of this journey, you and I both will know me a little better. So, my friend, I have decided that I am going to finally stop being hard-headed and I am going to do what I know I should have done a long time ago. I am going to learn how to treat myself, love myself and give to myself. As a single mother, as the oldest child, as the only girl in a household full of brothers, along the way I forgot about me. It is time for me to take care of me again. I once received a revelation in my spirit that until I was happy being with me, just me and my Father, I was never going to be happy with anyone else. Silly as it sounds, it was true. Trust me I did not set out to fulfill a self-proclaimed prophecy. I tried. Hard. I tried to be happy with a friend that I loved. FAIL. I tried to be happy with someone I was 'familiar' with. FAIL. I tried being happy with someone that loved me more than I loved them. FAIL. I tried being happy with someone I know did not love me the same way I loved them. FAIL. I tried proclaiming I was happy with no one. But I was also not spending time with myself. And I wasn't happy. FAIL. So I have decided I am going to be obedient and attempt to date myself, "find" myself and learn to be happy with myself. I would LOVE suggestions so I do not end up going to the movie theatre for 52 weeks (I would not mind that but I think it would defeat the purpose of this little exercise. More to come soon. Until then my friend. Be blessed, ~LT