Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Getting started (motivation)

I hate introductions so I am just going to start off as if we are lifelong friends. Hopefully by the end of this journey, we will be. Prayerfully, by the end of this journey, you and I both will know me a little better. So, my friend, I have decided that I am going to finally stop being hard-headed and I am going to do what I know I should have done a long time ago. I am going to learn how to treat myself, love myself and give to myself. As a single mother, as the oldest child, as the only girl in a household full of brothers, along the way I forgot about me. It is time for me to take care of me again. I once received a revelation in my spirit that until I was happy being with me, just me and my Father, I was never going to be happy with anyone else. Silly as it sounds, it was true. Trust me I did not set out to fulfill a self-proclaimed prophecy. I tried. Hard. I tried to be happy with a friend that I loved. FAIL. I tried to be happy with someone I was 'familiar' with. FAIL. I tried being happy with someone that loved me more than I loved them. FAIL. I tried being happy with someone I know did not love me the same way I loved them. FAIL. I tried proclaiming I was happy with no one. But I was also not spending time with myself. And I wasn't happy. FAIL. So I have decided I am going to be obedient and attempt to date myself, "find" myself and learn to be happy with myself. I would LOVE suggestions so I do not end up going to the movie theatre for 52 weeks (I would not mind that but I think it would defeat the purpose of this little exercise. More to come soon. Until then my friend. Be blessed, ~LT

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