Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Potential dates

Good day, my friend. I made a promise to another friend that I would limit my movie theatre dates to a maximum of 12 for this little project. Which leaves me with 40 more dates to plan. I am working on the list but I would love any input or suggestions. As I go along this journey I will post links to the different places I end up; not as a plug to the place but as a way to acknowledge the locations that will assist me in spending time with me. So far, this is what I have, in no particular order.

01. Coffee at Starbuck's  01/04/2014
02. Masquerade Ball at Cahaba Grand 01/10/2014
03. Zip lining at Red Mountain Park ( 01/18/14
04. movie
05. cooking class at Sur La Table (
06. painting at sips n strokes (
07. civil rights institute (
08. movie
09. cooking class
10. painting at sips n strokes
11. Birmingham Museum of Art (
12. movie
13. cooking class
14. painting at sips n strokes
15. rock climbing at First Avenue Rocks (
16. movie
17. cooking class
18. painting at sips n strokes
19. alabama theatre (
20. movie
21. cooking class
22. painting at sips n strokes
23. alabama symphony orchestra (
24. movie
25. cooking class
26. painting at sips n strokes
27. Alabama sports hall of fame (
28. movie
29. cooking class
30. painting at sips n strokes
31. Alabama jazz hall of fame (
32. movie
33. cooking class
34. painting at sips n strokes
35. dance class (
36. movie
37. cooking class
38. painting at sips n strokes
39. pottery at Red Dot Gallery (
40. movie
41. cooking class
42. painting at sips n strokes
43. hiking at Ruffner Mountain (
44. movie
45. cooking class
46. painting at sips n strokes
47. ice cream at Serendipity Sweets (
48. movie
49. cooking class
50. painting at sips n strokes
51. Vulcan (
52. movie

Of course I will work hard to find things to replace some of the 'movie' & 'painting' entries. But hey, it's a start. Until then my friend,

Be blessed.


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