Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Why are you single?"

I follow an associate on Instagram who posted the following picture:

There are a few things wrong with this picture/train of thought.  First of all, it's not true.  Second, if you are ignoring someone that is interested in you, but you do not know it, how can you make the argument it is not true? Third, why is it your business?

I get asked often enough why am I always answer, if I answer at all, in a joking manner.  The truth of the matter is, I am single because although I want to be in a relationship, I know that I am not ready.  A large part of why I am not ready is because I do not know what I really like. I don't know what I could do (besides sleep) for hours on end that would bring me complete joy.  That is part of the purpose behind 52 me dates in 2014.  I have always been afraid of commitment, and afraid of admitting it.  Part of me growing is admitting that, so here I am dear friend, admitting to you that I am afraid of commitment because I do not know who I am.  And I am afraid that once I realize who I am, the person I am with will not love her anymore.  2014 will be about exploring what drives me, angers me, makes me happy, sad, interested, etc., so that once that special man comes along both of know exactly what he is getting into :-)

Be blessed.

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