Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas from Me!

Merry Christmas Dear Friend!  I pray your holiday was a peaceful & blessed one. I did not go on a me date this week (it's not 2014 yet) but I received, from my beautiful daughters, a dress, some jewelry and their well wishes on my journey.  I know that secretly they are hoping I find someone so I can 'lighten' up a bit.  Little do they know, I intend to do just that.  Not necessarily in the way they are thinking, but nevertheless.

I went for a walk today and found that I really enjoy walking around the city.  Looking into the old buildings and new businesses.  The exercise didn't hurt either. I have already resolved to do way too many things next year-date myself, have more ladies nights, maybe accept a date here or there, finish my book, find my set place-so I am not going to resolve to lose weight as well.  I need to get more active and I need to eat better, I know that and will take it into consideration on my me dates.  In other words, no fried chicken when I am taking myself to lunch.

On another note, I believe I have figured out where my first me date will take place.  There is a hotel near me that has a night club/bar/lounge on the roof.  This afternoon when I was walking I saw they are advertising to the public, which hopefully means I do not have to be a guest in the hotel in order to check them out.  I am not really a night club/bar/lounge person but I figure if I start out in a place that I am not too comfortable, maybe that will start this journey off with the 100% possibility of an upswing.  On the other hand, I could chicken out and have my first date sitting on a stool at Sips n Strokes. We shall see.

Until next time,

Be blessed.

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