Saturday, January 4, 2014

(Date 1)(Jan.1-4)(Starbucks)

Good day dear friends,

With this first week not being a full week I decided to take it slow on my first date.  I visited the Starbucks in Five Points South to treat myself to a nice hot beverage before I start my fast.

I parked about a block away and slowly walked to the cafe'.  I emphasize slowly because I am usually doing everything fast.  I walk fast, I eat fast, I talk fast because my calendar always has more things scheduled than the day has hours. But on my 'date' I And you know what? It didn't feel weird, I didn't feel strange, I was happy to have the time. I looked in the shop windows and enjoyed the sun finally coming out.

Once I walked inside, believe it or not, I was stuck.  When I woke up it was 19 degrees outside.  My typical drink at Starbucks is a double chocolate chip caramel frappuccino with a shot of espresso (yes, I know I have a problem); it was way too cold outside for that, but I never ordered a hot drink from Starbucks before.  As I stood there looking as lost as a deer in several headlights, a very helpful barista (I think I overheard the manager call him Duncan) asked me what I normally drink. Based on my typical drink Duncan suggested I try the white chocolate mocha. Heaven!

I must admit, initially I felt bad for leaving my daughters at home while I sat in Starbucks, slowly sipping my tall white chocolate mocha, people watching and reading the New York Times.  However, I reminded myself that first, I am doing this for them as much as I am doing it for myself.  Both of my daughters are old enough to recognize (and verbalize) that I have no life.  They need to see that I take little opportunities here and there to decompress and just enjoy myself.  As they get older I want them to see that being alone is not a curse or a reason to stay locked up inside like a hermit. More importantly, I hope they will take the opportunity to spend some alone time in their own space; to get to know who they are without believing  they must be hitched to a man or in a relationship in order to be interesting or interested in life.  Second, as soon as I get home they get my undivided attention and I clock back in as chef, chauffeur, atm, nurse, maid, plumber, exterminator, teacher, tutor, entertainer, so I can afford this time to myself.

I took my seat and for a moment I just sat there, staring at the empty brown leather seat across from me and I wondered, 'what am supposed to do now'? I 'checked in' on Facebook with my phone and then remembered, 'if I were on a real date, I would not have my phone out.' I put the phone in my purse and began people watching. Five Points South is a beautiful place to people watch and I learned that I get a kick out of doing it. I saw an old couple holding hands, two young ladies having a very animated conversation, some college guys skyping and a family who looked like they were touring downtown.

The best part about my 'me' date is that I was relaxed.  I didn't have the girls asking me 'what are we waiting for, my drink it all gone.' I didn't have to force a conversation with anyone and I didn't have to squint to look at my phone. I just sat and enjoyed the slow, quiet presence of myself.  I enjoyed my sweet, hot mocha and I smiled at about a dozen strangers.

I enjoyed my first date with myself and I am looking forward to the next 51.

Until next time my friends,

Be blessed.


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