Friday, January 10, 2014

(Date 2)(Jan 5-11)(Dinner, Music & Comedy)

Tonight's date almost didn't happen. I really, really wanted to just put on some comfortable, ugly PJ's, curl up on the couch and find something on Netflix to entertain me until I fell asleep.  But that very wise voice that lives in my head yelled "THAT IS THE POINT OF THE ME DATES! STOP BEING A HERMIT AND GET DRESSED!"

I decided I would be obedient?consistent and get dressed.  My daughters helped me pick out the perfect dress, jewelry and shoes, then I was on my way.  As elegantly slow as possible (I had on heels) I walked up to the conference center where the masquerade ball for my church was being held.  Everything was beautiful: the venue, the people, the decor and I came to my first realization for the night.  One of the reasons I try so painfully hard to stay at home when there is plenty to do in the city is because I have a hard time believing I am 'ready' when I look in the mirror.  I don't know if that is just part of being a woman (always wanting to fix 'one last thing') or if it's a self-esteem problem that I need to address on my journey.  Either way, as I walk into the center I automatically do not feel like I am dressed appropriately.  In my defense, I have never been to a masquerade ball, but I did at least know better than to dress in pants and a t-shirt.  I wore a floor-length dress with peep-toe black heels and my hair pulled up and back in that 'its-evening-and-time-to-go-out' style, but these men and women....well, they were sharp.

I digress.

I found my way to a table and immediately came to realization number two: I do not care for (I believe they are called) variety bands. You know, those bands you pay to come sing a host of other entertainers songs? Yeah, that's not my cup of tea. I like live music, I love singers who can SANG, but too loud, not really good, mediocre singers, messing up a song made a hit by someone else? Not my thing.  As I sat there listening to this young lady murdering "Killing Me Softly" I realized although I like live music, there are a host of other things I like more.

Like comedy...

Next on the stage is Marcus D. Wiley and he is funny. Of course here comes my third and final realization for the night...I like FUNNY comedians. I know you just scrunched your face up in confusion because everyone likes funny comedians, right? No, I mean I like FUNNY comedians.  I am not referring to the people that make you chuckle here and there or have you laughing because you trust what they just said was supposed to be a joke. When I say I like FUNNY comedian's I mean comedian's so funny that even if you are in a bad mood, you have no choice but to laugh at them. I laughed and laughed and laughed tonight and it was so good!

Sadly, because of the fast, I did not eat the dinner, but I conversed with some of the people around me and trust that it was great. I don't even feel bad about not having dinner, I had learned three things about me and I had laughed until my cheeks burned.  Pretty good night in my book.

I don't know where next week is going to take me dear friends, but I hope you will go with me.  Until next time.

Be blessed.


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