Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!

I pray your new year's eve and new year celebration was safe, fun and everything you intended for it to be.  I know there are typically groups of people who think "NEW YEAR, NEW ME" and then there are groups of people who roll their eyes at all of the aforementioned people.  Well, I am not screaming new year, new me, but I am not rolling my eyes at it either.  I am most likely going to be the same ole me, just an updated version ;-)  I pray that your 2014 journey takes you down the same path.  There is no reason for a 'new' you.  YOU are exactly who you need to be, there may just be a few tweeks that you have to make here and there.  I wish you all the luck in the world with making those tweeks.

My first post about my me dates is in a week and I am dealing with a mixture of excitement, nerves and anxiety.  I have a tendency to let life takeover and give me permission to neglect myself.  I am hoping I can snap out of that this year and remember I need to take care of and get to know me.  I am looking forward to this, though at one point I thought "Why didn't I commit to one date a MONTH?!" The truth is, if I were in a relationship and getting to know someone that I really loved, once a month would not be enough.  Well, i really love me and I really want to get to know myself better. Once a week it is.

I know I said before that my first date would take place at the bar/club/lounge on the roof of the hotel located near my apartment building. O_O  What was I thinking and why did you let me make that false assertion?! lol  I have decided that's likely not the best idea.  I am going to start out slow. Though I know where my first date will be, I don't want to reveal just yet.  It is nothing big and elaborate, but it is what I think would be a fitting first date whether I was going on my me date or a conventional date.

Until next week,

Be blessed.

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